The author of the Action Management System

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Profile: Dr John H Troughton

M Ag Sc, Ph D, D Sc, FRSNZ,

Director, Guntonia Investments, Business Associates Network P/L, and HomeNet Pty Ltd.

NZ National Research Fellow 1966-69, Carnegie Fellow 1973, Eisenhower Fellow 1984, Member of Australian National University Council 1968-69.

John Troughton specializes in design and implementation of Performance and Conformance Management Systems that deliver value to all constituents in the enterprise, and assure its competitive performance.

These systems allow Directors, Managers, Suppliers and Staff of small and large companies to generate Future Value as determined by the Stakeholders. This is achieved by a clear statement of purpose, integrated through planning, people, processes and technology, into a company-wide system, that of itself adds value to the company. Measures of personnel capability, performance and accountability are built into the systems.

Interest in the "Fundamentals of Business Management" started as a result of a project investigating the factors influencing the transfer of knowledge to businesses with less than 200 staff. A study was made that included visits to 200 businesses and surveys to investigate the needs of business. The primary cause of difficulties in these businesses was the inability to access, cost effectively the professional services that could not be justified to maintain in-house capability. This especially related to technology, HR and business management advice. The average small business manager cannot be expected to be an "expert in all areas" but does not have the financial resources to source external advice. Action Management resulted.

Dr Troughton, through research at the Physics and Engineering Laboratory, DSIR, NZ and international projects, has developed a professional background in food processing, agriculture, horticulture, biotechnology, biophysics and ecology. His training was at Canterbury University NZ, Australian National University and Stanford University, USA. He has produced over a 100 papers and books, and lectured and consulted internationally in fields as diverse as energy, biology, information technology and business management. Corporate management experience has been gained in both Public and Private institutions such as the DSIR NZ, Goodman, Fielder, Wattie, and as Director of eight companies in the food (fresh and processed), information technology, management and high technology sectors. These companies have been in NZ, Australia, Asia, and the USA, and have involved production and marketing for both domestic and export markets.

Over 25 years Dr Troughton has been developing expertise in Conformance and Performance Management Systems. Initially this was as a Lecturer at the NZ Institute of Management College from 1975-85. New techniques that have been developed relate to the management of complex systems, such as integrating international markets, logistics, processing and production systems, integrating technology, people and processes. This has been applied initially to the dairy, meat and kiwifruit industries and subsequently to the mining, manufacturing and service sectors. The Value Engine is the most recent development.

Dr Troughton has been consulting to small and large, domestic and international companies primarily in Australia and Asia from 1986-99. His consulting experience includes United Nations, PA Management Consulting Group, Drake International and as an Independent consultant. Projects have involved public e.g. NSW Cabinet Office, Malaysian Government, Public Trustee (NSW), and Sydney Water, listed e.g. BHP-Biliton, Bankers Trust, Bank of Queensland, Telstra, CIG and non-listed companies. The results have been to enhance company performance through implementing management systems, people management and technology.

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