AMS strives to continually improve your business

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Having assessed the Risk Rating of all of the Business Operational Actions you must now take note of the implied priority on the areas where you should be implementing improvements to your business.

Associated with each Operational Action within AMS there is an Improvement Audit.
Action Improvement Audits are a series of searching questions that require answers that address the characteristics of each Action to assess the current situation. Consolidation of these answers enables you to establish what needs to be done to improve any Action (view simple Excel example). We recommend that you should (at a minimum) undertake an  Improvement Audit for all the RED risk rated Operational Actions.

Each Improvement Audit is conducted, arranged and reviewed by the person who has been previously assigned accountability for the Operational Action being audited. The method of collection of information and the recommendations of an Improvement Audit are at the discretion of the accountable person, however the written record of the Audit has a standard format within the Action Management System. This means that anyone in the business who is reviewing any completed Improvement Audit, has a uniform understanding of the business improvement process. 

At the conclusion of an Action Improvement Audit there is a Recommendation.
Recommendations are then prioritised and (depending on the resources available) some of these recommendations are converted into Improvement Projects. The recommendations will determine the parameters and objectives of each Improvement Project.

Action Measures are established as part of the Action Audit to determine the success criteria for the specific improvements sought.

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is to rapidly assess potential business risk areas