FREE Business DNA Diagnostic





Business DNA Diagnostic


 Click here to Start the Diagnostic

A Post-diagnostic Report is emailed
to all participants


The Management Practice has developed this Primary Management Diagnostic for the simple purpose of assisting you build a sustainable business and increase its profitability.
But to do this a business has to:
  • Develop a Vision and Strategies

  • Design and Develop Products and Services

  • Market and Sell Products and Services

  • Deliver Products and Services

  • Manage Customer Service

These are the five primary actions in a business, and how well they are done will determine the success of the business and it's profitability. These actions are judged to be "primary" because they are the basic elements used to categorise the excellence of a business.

Each of these five primary actions are broken into five more key-actions and those into a further five more, so that 125 primary DNA actions can be assessed.

By completing this Primary Diagnostic you will;

  • Obtain a FREE diagnostic report with our appreciation of your participation

  • Get a detailed understanding of your Business DNA

  • Identify your areas of management risk

  • Create your own road map for subsequent business  improvement projects

  • Be able to implement regular online audits to track your Primary DNA improvements in the future.

As a next logical step, we can also provide you with a comparison of your Primary DNA Performance against our National Australian benchmark so you can understand how you stack up against other businesses.
START NOW and chart your course to attain "best practice".

Quote from the NIA 2006 Annual Report Highlights:

"The implementation of a web-based business planning software system commenced across the organisation. Called the Action Management System, it will provide real-time reports and feedback of progress in the key strategic projects across the organisation."