Internet-AMS Software
Release 1.41 updates the
Action Management System (AMS) with only minor usability
changes and bug fixes of Release 1.4.
Summary of Updates:
1. |
Minor bug fixes. |
2. |
Adding knowledge to a
staff Job 5x5. |
3. |
Add more item
descriptions for easier AMS use. |
4. |
Deferred linking of an
Incident to a DNA Operational Action . |
(1) Minor Bug
The majority of these minor changes were to prevent data
being entered where an erroneous illogical entry could
possibly create an error. We have therefore increased the
number of "read only" fields thus preventing erroneous
Some superfluous function
buttons have also been removed to simplify user options.
(2) Adding knowledge
to a staff Job 5x5 .
The adding of
knowledge to DNA Operational Actions and Job 5x5 has now
been made consistent. Previously there was a slight
difference for the user in the adding of knowledge in these
two different areas. This has now been made the same. Also
there was previously a limit of one knowledge item per Job
5x5 Action, so this limit has now been increased to nine
knowledge items per Job 5x5 Action giving a new theoretical
maximum of 225 knowledge items that can be linked to any Job
5x5 (not that we would ever envisage that any Job 5x5 would
need this vast number of links).
Alternatively, there is no limit to the number of knowledge
items that can be added to any DNA Operational Action.
Add more item descriptions for easier AMS use.
Wherever an
Action-ID number is displayed in association with any form
there is now a description of the DNA Operational Action
displayed next to the Action-ID to enable quick association
and understanding.
(4) Deferred linking of an Incident to a DNA
Operational Action.
A random
Incident can be initially created by any staff member
without any reference to a DNA Operational Action. This
enables any staff member to generate an Incident and to
allocate it for resolution. These ad hoc Incidents are given
a ID number of 9.99 and appear on the List of Incidents with
this 9.99 ID.
Ideally all
9.99 Incidents should then subsequently be linked to a DNA
Operational Action at some stage (by a supervisor or
administrator). This is simply done by opening any 9.99
Incident (via the List Incidents menu) and entering a DNA
Operational Action in the "Link to DNA Action" field and
saving it.
In the
previous Version 1.4, the 9.99 Incident still remained as a
9.99 Incident after the DNA Link was made and saved, however
in this new Version 1.41 after the Link to DNA Action is
saved then this incident is transferred to become an
Incident that is converted and integrated within the new DNA
Action. This Incident will now appear in the List of
Incidents with the ID of the DNA Action to which is now
linked. It will also now appear under the Incident TAB of
the DNA Operational Action if the Incident is accessed via
the Business DNA page.
If you have any questions
then please contact us at:
The Management Practice
133 Alexander Street
Crows Nest NSW 2065
Phone: 61-(0)2-9431 5305
Contact us by email
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