AMS  Release Notes
( Software Release 1.3 - January 2006)


Internet-AMS Software Release 1.3 updates the Action Management System (AMS) from Release 1.2 with the main focus being on better "usability" of the system.

Summary of Updates:
1. Introduction of "active" status on various items.
2. Extend Sorting (re-list) of Directory lists over more columns.
3. Create completion emails to notify originator.
4. Add Job 5x5 "Copy" function for Systems Administrator.
5. Add "Ordering" function to Project Actions.
6. Introduce user-naming convention.
7. Auto-populate initiating person from username.
8. Expand "Modification Log" function

(1) Introduction of "active" status on various items

The result of these updates is that the Search Directory screens of "Conduct Audits", "Improvement Projects", and "Staff Lists" now default to list only "active" items. To view a list of all of the designated items you now need to click on the "Search All" button in the page header of the Search screen. So if you now drill down (by clicking on any listed item) to either an "Improvement Audit", an "Improvement Project", or a "Staff Member", then you will see an "Active" check-box. If this box is ticked then the item will be listed in the default Directory list, otherwise it will not be listed and the "search all" button must be clicked to also display the non-active items.

(2) Extend Sorting (re-list) of Directory items over more columns

In the column header row of all Search Directory lists there is a black up-arrow and down-arrow in certain columns. Clicking on these arrows will sort the Directory into either ascending or descending order using the specific column header description as the sort-key. This function has now been extended to many more columns giving greater display flexibility throughout the Internet-AMS.

(3) Create completion emails to notify originator.

The email notification functionality of AMS has been extended to include notification of completion of both Project Actions and Incidents. In the case of an Improvement Project, when a Project Action is saved as Completed, an email is generated to the Project's "Accountable Person" from the "Who to do" person that completed the Project Action notifying the Accountable Person that the Project Action is completed. In the case of an Incident, when an Incident is saved as Closed, an email is generated to the "Person Raising" from the "Person requested to resolve" indicating that the Incident is resolved.

(4) Add Job 5x5 "Copy" function for Systems Administrator 

This administrative function copies an entire Job 5x5 including all links to Operational Actions and Knowledge from one staff member to another. This function has two major uses: (1) It saves the manual creation of a new Job 5x5 for a staff member who has basically the same job as another staff member (i.e. say a sales representative). (2) It allows the complete transfer of a Job 5x5 from a person who has left the business to the new person who has replaced them including the links to all the tools, documents and reports that were used by the previous employee in doing their job.

(5) Add "Ordering" function to Project Actions.  

The previous sequencing process for the Project Actions of an Improvement Project was found to be too cumbersome. We have therefore introduced an additional "Action Order" field into the Project Action. This field is now mandatory and determines the sequence of Project Actions displayed within an Improvement Project. Initially Projects should be created with whole numbers in this field which allows for the insertion of 99 additional Project Actions between the whole numbers as the Project expands. Re-sequencing the order of Project Actions is a matter of just changing the number entered in the "Action Order" field and saving the Project Action.

(6) Introduce User-naming convention. 

The Username used to log-on to the Internet AMS is now the same as the Resource-ID of the staff member appended by a unique business number. So when a new staff member is entered into AMS the initials of the employee should be used as their Resource-ID. So say the staff member was John Archibald Smith, then the Resource-ID of JAS should be chosen. This will then automatically convert into their Username (say JAS.4) if the business number added was 4. Although this naming convention using initials is not compulsory, we strongly recommend this approach as the Resource-ID is used as the sequencing of both Staff List and Job 5x5 Directory Lists. Any other naming convention will create inconsistencies in the use of AMS.

(7) Auto-populate initiating person from Username.

Now that the Username is directly linked to the Staff Member Resource-ID we have auto-populated some forms to enforce better security of use.

(8) Expand "Modification Log" function.  

The flexibility of the Modification Log has been expanded for the Systems Administrator. It is now possible to produce a "tailored" Modification Log based on parameters entered to narrow the focus of the Log Report generated. Reporting parameters now cover Module-ID, Date-range, and Username.

If you have any questions then please contact us at:
The Management Practice
133 Alexander Street
Crows Nest  NSW  2065
Phone: 61-(0)2-9431 5305
Contact us by email

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