Associate  News
(February 2007)


The Action Management System (AMS) continues to progress well and this newsletter is an update for our AMS Associates on some recent developments.

Welcome to our new AMS Associates

Four new Associates have joined our network in the past couple of months.
Alan Bignell has joined us in Brisbane.
Colin Burns has joined us in Melbourne.
Peter Pain has joined us in Sydney.
Paul Anderson has joined us in Perth.
Their contact details and profiles are posted on the Associate Network area of our Action Management website and we wish them success in their embracing of AMS into their consulting practices.
Take a look at their profiles and do not hesitate to contact them directly if you think that you could use their services as sub-contractors to your clients.

New AMS Associate Website & AMS Knowledgebase

We have now created a special AMS for our Business Associates Network (BAN).
This AMS contains the complete Business DNA for our BAN Business and is where we now keep the latest Knowledgebase for access by all licensed AMS Associates. As any AMS material is updated or added, it will be uploaded into the Knowledge Directory of this AMS for the use of all Associates.
All AMS Associates have now been given access to this new BAN-AMS via their own Username and Password. The direct URL is .
Usernames all take the format of "xx.7" where xx are the personal initials of the Associate. Passwords are initially set to be the same as the Username but these should be changed ASAP by each Associate at the first log-in. (Menu: AMS/Involve Staff/Change Password).

New client AMS Website URLs for Easy Access

We have changed the URL for AMS access by all clients.
The new main Host Directory address is now the shorter .
This change also gives all our AMS customers their own sub-domain AMS address for direct access to their own AMS. For example the direct access URL for the National Institute of Accountants AMS is now (with their unique sub-domain name immediately preceding the address).
All AMS usernames and passwords have remained the same for all clients.

AMS Pricing changes

Our basic Client Product License fees have not changed, however from 1st March 2007 we have introduced some additional one-off optional component charges.

<> Additional Reports pricing:
Additional reports are now provided that are additional to the basic integrated AMS reports. Reports can now be obtained in three categories:-
(i)   Integrated Reports: Provided within the basic AMS at no additional charge.
(ii)  Standard Reports: Provided as optional extra reports and priced at AUS$300 (+ GST)
      per report (see AMS Reporting Guide for sample outputs).
(iii)  Customised Reports: Developed at the special request of a client and fixed priced at
      AUS$500 (+ GST) per report.

<> Additional Security pricing:
We now offer the option for a client to have all AMS transactions encrypted with 128-bit SSL encryption at a one-off price of AUS$750 (+ GST).

New SSL Encryption option for client AMS Websites

We have introduced an optional 128-bit encryption feature for increased client security.
Effective from 1st March 2007 this is an optional service for our clients and a client pays a one-off AUS$750 (+ GST) up-front fee for this.

Existing clients (licensed prior to 1st March 2007) have been upgraded FREE to this higher level of data security.

Upgraded Hosting Security

We have also upgraded our AMS server hardware and increasing our hosted server security. We have moved our AMS server to a high security location. This relocation will enable us to have a dedicated and physically separate backup server for a greater level of data security (to protect against any failure on our main server). Our new server will also have "transaction mirroring" to provide real-time duplication of all of our client's AMS data and provide inbuilt redundancy against disk failure. All our customer data is of course already backed-up but these new changes will provide AMS with a much higher level of data security as we move to an International 24/7 real-time operating environment. A new security brochure is available from the BAN-AMS (see below).

New updates to AMS material
(All AMS Associate material is now stored on our Business Associates Network AMS)

  • We have released an AMS Reporting Guide.
    This document provides details of all AMS reports that are currently available and identifies those that come Integrated within AMS and those that can be optionally purchased as "Standard" (i.e. off. As mentioned earlier any client can optional purchase any of the optional reports for the one-off price of $300 (+ GST).

  • We have released an Incident Operations Guide.
    This document provides instructional material for the implementation of the Incident Resolution sub-system of AMS.

  • We have released an AMS Security Brochure.
    This one-page brochure summarises the secure hosting and backed-up environment in which our client's data is stored.

FREE Internet Storage for AMS Associates

We have now created a personal Internet storage area for each Associate on our Internet Server. Each associate already has secure access to their own webpage and can update the content of their personal webpage at any time using any Web editing tool (e.g. Microsoft FrontPage). Each Associate can now also upload and host their own documents or reports (in fact any document) for their clients, prospects or colleagues to download.

Just let me know when you want to utilise this storage service and I will set it up for you. You may already have FTP software to upload your files to the Internet, however if you don't then I recommend that you purchase Web-drive Software (only costs about US$50) to permit easy access to your secure AMS Internet area from your own computer.
Go to to download a 20-day trial copy now. We provide our file storage space to you for FREE on our Internet Server.


If you have any questions then please contact us at:
The Management Practice
133 Alexander Street
Crows Nest  NSW  2065
Phone: 61-(0)2-9431 5305
Mobile: 0412-860 403


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