Implementation Tour

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Business Introduction

     Define Roles

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People Introduction

Within AMS we define all the generic staff Roles required to run the business. An employee is then assigned one of these roles (multiple people can perform the same role) and their specific implementation of this role becomes their Job 5x5.

So in setting up the people-related components of AMS we start by defining the basic roles required (these can be changed or added later), then we create the human "resources" directory (see #9 Staff Resources), and finally we create a specific "Job 5x5" for each person in the business.

(Click on picture to expand)

 A Role is very simple to create. By selecting the "Define Roles" menu item, a list of the existing defined Roles is displayed. A new role can either be created, or an existing one selected and modified. Each role starts with a unique Role-ID, followed by the Role Name, and finally a general summary of the Role.

 PLEASE NOW SELECT STEP 9: - Staff Resources