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     Business DNA

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The AMS Business DNA is a graphic view of the entire business that is both a strategic and an operational "road map" for the business. A Business DNA has three "Action Levels". At the higher levels (Level-1 and Level-2) the DNA identifies management's "strategic view" of the business, and at the lower level (Level-3) it identifies the operational structure and characteristics of all "processes of value" that constitute the actual running of the business. The Business DNA therefore creates "transparent view" for all staff that shows at a glance the way that management views the business, and also the current management concerns within the business. The colour codes highlight what operational actions that management have assessed are being performed well or poorly. Clicking on any DNA Operational Action (Level-3) will enable the user to view all of the Action Characteristics of the specific Operational Action. So this Business DNA page view is a "road map" of the business that allows the user to logically navigate to any area of  business operations and to view the operational characteristics associated with this area. All operational characteristics such as measures, targets, risks, improvement audits, operational knowledge, improvement projects, and incidents, that make up each operational action are available for view by all staff to encourage and facilitate more efficient and better management by everyone in the business.

(Click on picture to expand)

An alternative search index of Operational Actions together with a summary of their Action Characteristics is also provided by clicking on the Check Actions menu item. This search index view allows key-word searching to drill-down to Operational Actions that relate to the subject area. All the Operational Actions are gradually given management substance by building the action characteristics for each one (in the priority determined by the risk profile and relative value of each to the business).

 PLEASE NOW SELECT STEP 3: - Check Actions